4 min read

Gattimela 12 October 2021 Written Update: Vedanth reaches the location where Amulya is held captive

zee5 team

October 12, 2021

4 min


Vikrant’s friend traces the person who called Suhasini and according to the information given by him, Vedanth and Kanta reach the location where Amulya is being held captive.

In the previous episode of Gattimela, Vedanth tells Vikrant about his suspicions that Amulya may have called on Suhasini’s phone and asks him to trace the caller’s location. Later, Suhasini gets nervous when Vikrant demands to check her phone.

In the next episode of  Gattimela, Vikrant is delighted when his friend traces the location from where Suhasini received the call. He requests his friend to try to pinpoint the exact location. Vikrant asks Dhruva to keep a tab on Suhasini while he decides to accompany Vedanth to search for Amulya. But, Dhruva asks him to send Kanta with Vedanth as Suhasini may suspect if he accompanies Vedanth. Suhasini notices Kanta and Dhruva talking in gestures and suspects if they have traced Amulya’s location and decides to inform her goons to move Amulya to a different location.

At Parimala’s house, the cops’ questions about her getting Amulya married to a rich man make Parimala uneasy. Meanwhile, Suhasini gets irked when Dhruva stands guard outside her room and gets worried about getting caught as she is unable to contact her goons and give them a warning. Suhasini rebukes Dhruva when he mocks her for being nervous. Furthermore, she is stunned when Dhruva voices his suspicions about her having kidnapped Amulya and threatens to get her arrested if they find proof against her.

Elsewhere, Vedanth and Kanta reach Bangalore outskirts and call Vikrant to learn the exact location. Kanta tries to console Vedanth when he starts to get emotional thinking about Amulya and worries about her safety. Meanwhile, Suhasini tries to call the goons to warn them but is shocked when Dhruva follows her. To avoid Dhruva’s suspicions, Suhasini behaves as if she is talking to her friend, which confuses the goon.

Vedanth reaches the location given by Vikrant. Vedanth’s mother starts to feel delighted when she senses Vedanth’s presence. Kanta and Vedanth split and check the location and Kanta points out the things he found which may indicate that someone is being held captive. Elsewhere, Dhruva gets irritated when Suhasini locks herself in the washroom and tries to contact her goons, while Suhasini gets irked about not being able to contact the goons.

Vedanth shows Kanta the sim card and the amulet that he found, which belonged to Amulya and they wonder how the goons got to know about their arrival. Meanwhile, the goons try to keep Amulya and Vedanth’s mother quiet so that they don’t attract Vedanth’s attention. Anjali wonders if Amulya had purposefully dropped her anklet and if someone is trying to stop Amulya’s wedding and that’s why they have kidnapped her as there have been no demands for ransom so far. Anjali calls Vedanth and asks for an update about Amulya’s whereabouts. She tells Vedanth that she found Amulya’s anklet and it might have been a way of Amulya giving a hint about her location.

What will happen next? Stream Gattimela premiere episodes before TV only with ZEE5! Read more stories on Gattimela here.

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