The Rise of Indian Web Series: How ZEE5 is Redefining the Entertainment Landscape with Epic On

Indian Web Series

In the realm of digital entertainment, the streaming landscape has undergone a remarkable evolution, capturing diverse narratives and untold stories. Leading this streaming revolution is ZEE5, continuously reshaping the way we consume content. One of the driving forces behind ZEE5’s transformative journey is the constant efforts to reinvent and get more engaging, entertaining content for its subscribers. In the latest move, ZEE5 has collaborated with partner platforms like NammaFlix, OHO Gujarati, Simply South, and the illustrious Epic On. This partnership has brought an array of rich and entertaining content to audiences worldwide, encapsulating the essence of India’s diverse cultural heritage.

Epic On, an integral part of this revolutionary alliance, has introduced a tapestry of captivating shows, documentaries, web series, and movies that resonate deeply with the Indian ethos. ZEE5 transcends boundaries, offering content spanning various genres like sports, food, history, mythology, and travel, making it an invaluable addition to all existing and new ZEE5 subscribers. One standout aspect of Epic On’s offerings on ZEE5 is its captivating Indian web series that delve into the heart of regional narratives, fostering a renewed appreciation for the country’s rich cultural tapestry. These Indian web series are not merely for entertainment; they are immersive experiences that transport viewers across time and space, unraveling the vibrant tapestry of India’s history, culture, and traditions.

Now, let’s dive into the top 10 Indian web series available on ZEE5 via Epic On that have captivated audiences with their storytelling prowess and immersive content:

  1. Raja Rasoi Aur Anya Kahaniyaan

A culinary voyage across India, this series released in 2014, explores the origins and history behind diverse regional cuisines. With four seasons and 45 episodes, Raja Rasoi Aur Anya Kahaniyaan, hosted by Pushpesh Pant and Manwendra Tripathy, tantalizes taste buds while unraveling the historical fabric of Indian cuisine.

  1. Safarnama

Hosted by Ankit Siwach, Safarnama is a travelogue that takes viewers on a mesmerizing journey from the bustling streets of Mumbai to the serene landscapes of Himachal Pradesh and Ladakh. Across nine episodes released in 2020, Siwach not only explores these locales but also delves into their history and cultural significance.

  1. Ekaant

Offering a glimpse into India’s abandoned historic sites, Ekaant, released in 2014 documents the eerie beauty of deserted forts and palaces across two seasons and 38 episodes. Hosted by Akul Tripathi, the show provides a haunting yet captivating perspective on forgotten heritage.

  1. Khattey Meethay Guppey

Renowned Chef Ranveer Brar presents a delectable culinary journey across India in this 10-episode series. Alongside Manu Bhai’s engaging conversations, Khattey Meethay Guppey is a show that offers mouth-watering dishes and desserts celebrating India’s diverse gastronomy.

  1. Devlok With Devdutt Pattnaik

Renowned mythologist Devdutt Pattanaik unravels some hidden stories and talks about the characters of Hindu mythology in this enlightening series titled Devlok With Devdutt Pattnaik. With three seasons and 72 episodes, Pattanaik’s exploration of the Ramayana and Mahabharata sheds light on the profound tales of ancient India making it one of the best Epic On shows on ZEE5.

  1. Stories By Rabindranath Tagore

A mesmerizing collection of tales set in early-20th-century Bengal, Stories By Rabindranath Tagore is a series that brings Nobel Prize winner Rabindranath Tagore’s writings to life. With 26 episodes available in Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, and English, each narrative unfolds the complexities of human emotions and societal nuances.

  1. Siyasat

Chronicling the life of Subhas Chandra Bose, a young leader in pre-independence India, the Siyasat series presents impactful speeches and insights into Bose’s overseas endeavors to build an army against British rule. Across five seasons and 42 episodes, Siyasat delves into Bose’s revolutionary fervor.

  1. Bharat Ki Awaz

Delving further into Subhas Chandra Bose’s legacy, Bharat Ki Awaz is a series that offers five episodes that shed light on his impactful speeches and motivations behind constructing an army to combat British imperialism in India. It’s a compelling exploration of Bose’s pivotal role in India’s fight for independence.

  1. Adrishya

Streaming in English and Hindi, Adrishya delves into Chanakya’s vision of a united nation, threatened by the vengeance-driven minister Amartya Rakshasa. Across 13 episodes, the show follows Chanakya’s aide, Jeevsiddhi, in his quest to thwart Amartya’s sinister plans.

  1. Veshbhusha

Exploring the history, culture, and significance of traditional Indian attire, Veshbhusha celebrates the stories woven into garments like the nine-yard saree. With 12 episodes, this Epic On web series delves into the symbolism and heritage encapsulated in these traditional costumes.

These ten Indian web series available on ZEE5 via Epic On, offer a tapestry of narratives that celebrate India’s cultural mosaic. From the tantalizing flavors of regional cuisine to the haunting beauty of abandoned historic sites and the profound exploration of mythology, each series paints a vivid picture of India’s diverse heritage. ZEE5’s collaboration with Epic On has not only redefined entertainment but has also become a gateway to immersive storytelling that bridges the past with the present. Through these web series, viewers embark on a journey through time, gaining insights into India’s rich history, traditions, and societal fabric. The rise of web content like these web series is a clear example of how much Indian content and Indian culture are appreciated around the world.

As ZEE5 continues to expand its horizons, embracing partnerships that bring forth captivating narratives, Epic On stands as a testament to the platform’s commitment to curating engaging and culturally significant content. These Indian web series are not just a collection of episodes; they are windows into India’s soul, inviting audiences to explore, learn, and appreciate the myriad facets of this diverse and vibrant nation. With each series offering a unique perspective, ZEE5’s Epic On collection has undoubtedly redefined the entertainment landscape, creating a space where stories, culture, and history intertwine, leaving an indelible mark on the audience’s hearts and minds.

In conclusion, the rise of Indian web series, particularly through platforms like ZEE5 and Epic On, signifies a renaissance in entertainment, where narratives are not just told but experienced, celebrated, and cherished, paving the way for a richer, more culturally immersive digital era. The amalgamation of history, culture, and storytelling prowess showcased in these web series exemplifies how ZEE5, through its partnership with Epic On, has set a new benchmark in the global streaming landscape, offering audiences an unparalleled journey through the heart and soul of India.