7 Reasons Why Gaami Movie Is Taking the Spotlight on ZEE5!

Inspires to Seek Answers

Gaami focuses on Shankar, an amnesiac Aghori who goes in search of answers while trying to find a cure for haphephobia aka his fear of touch.

Teaches to Fight Fears

As Shankar fights his fear of touch in order to find a mythical cure for his condition, the movie teaches you to fight your fears head-on.

Presents A Layered Story

Gaami isn’t just about Shankar; it also talks about a Devadasi in a remote village, a victim of illegal experiments, and a doctor who seeks the mythical cure with him.

Teaches Resilience

When Shankar faces multiple challenges and still fights through them, the film teaches you about the virtue of resilience.

Strength of Determination

Shankar and Dr. Jahnavi’s fierce determination to find the cure despite facing multiple hurdles is another reason that makes Gaami a must-watch movie.